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Home Page Content Writing

What is the home page?

The home page is the first page displayed while visiting a website generally inclusive of an index for the website.

As stated by William Hazlitt, `The first impression is the last impression' ; similarly, home page is the first view a person gets of a website and forms an impression of the site. Therefore, having an impressive and effective home page with effective home page content is essential.

The home page must be maintained and appropriately presented as it catches the visitor's eye with the same pace as it can make the user feel about your lack of seriousness with your site due to the home page's ineffective content.

What is home page content writing?

Home page content writing

The information included on ho0ome page in the form of data, numbers, description, index etc., is included in the home page content. Writing such descriptive content for home page with effective keywords, pictures, and introduction is known as home page content writing.

  1. Engaging your website in having a productive, effective and convincing home page content makes it easier for your target audience to reach you, and not just this the list for advantages of home page content just keeps adding on.
  2. User-friendly- A welcoming home page with briefs about the website gives the user a platform to create an overview of the site. It makes it easier for the visitor to know what the site is actually about and what kind and quality of work it consists of. Alongside that usage of appropriate pictures, creative backgrounds, fonts etc. make it more welcoming and attractive for the user.
  3. Brand Awareness: Home page content with site logos, website links and brief information about your service makes the user aware of your provided services and build a connection with your brand.
  4. Smooth navigation of website: The briefly described informational content gives the user a way to understand what and where he will find the information in your website, making it easier and time-friendly for the user.
  5. Conversation commencement: Home page presents the viewer with an opportunity to virtually interact with the site information presented on the home page.
  6. Sharing and site traffic: An effectively created home page impresses the user and satisfies home page content. The user shares links of your site's positive experience with others in need and will draw organic traffic into your site.

All these benefits of homepage content can be experienced and enjoyed if some majorly essential features are included on your home page:

Home page content writing

  1. Logo of your website: Logo allows visitors to connect with your brand and is the soul of branding and marketing your website.
  2. Navigation of the site in the header: The key contents of your website must be included in the header so that the user finds it easy to locate and develops a genuine user-friendly image of your website.
  3. Heading: Giving brief information about your website and the products or services under major and subheadings makes the home page more interactive and attractive.
  4. Social proofs: Proving real client reviews, success stories etc. in the home page makes it more trustworthy for the visitor, and he feels safe and gets an assurance.
  5. Images or Pictures: Adding pictures in your home page related to your product or service such as their description, customer using those products etc. Makes it more convincing and appealing for the visitor.
  6. Textual Content: Language is the key to communication. Therefore to establish that with your client/ customer, add text content to make the home page more engaging and effective.
  7. Footer: Holding the same importance as a header, footer consists of basic information such as about us, contact, address, social media links of the website etc. for client engagement.

With all these inclusions, a great home page can be created but, will it be an effective one? Maybe or maybe not. So why take the risk.

Home page writing services are online available that will erase the option of `maybe not' for your website home page and will create a compelling and assured home page with unique content in relevance to your organization. These services have wordsmiths that create great content for your website and also.

Home page content writing

  1. Concise: The informative content is concise and with keywords to attract more audience to the site and make it more interactive.
  2. Time friendly- It can take weeks to have a satisfying home page for your audience, but with hiring the service providers it makes it much easier to get a satisfying and interactive home page for your website.
  3. Presentation- The site presentation standards are kept high and met by these service providers with proper placement of content, pictures etc. To make it more approaching for the viewers.
  4. Pocket friendly- The service providers are money savers as well. They provide you with a complete homepage designed for your website and your requirements at an affordable price.

What's special about Academic Mantra Services?

Academic Mantra is a leading service provider in India where your priority is our priority. We aim to bring the ideas in your head to life and present them to you with trust and satisfaction. We have an in house team of 50 members and a lengthy list of satisfying clients who put their money, trust and time in us to attain the priceless happiness of getting their work done correctly.

Our services are made for you and supporting your vision of having an effectively approaching home page with genuine and interacting content for your website. We understand your demands, and therefore our team has an experience of mixing their creativity with your requirements to build the best for your site.

With our extensive experience in the field, we can assure you that investing in home page for your website by choosing Academic Mantra is the best and appropriate decision you can make and we can assure you that we won’t ever let you down for trusting us with your important work, money and time. 

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